Lovely Evening Kitty Party Hamper Delight by Mumbai Online Florists
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Create magical moments by ordering online this Lovely Evening Kitty Party Hamper Delight for your loved ones and spreading your warm feelings into their hearts. This gift hamper contains: 1. 4700BC Himalayan Salt Caramel Popcorn Tin (110g) 2. Salt N Pepper Fox Nuts (50g) 3. Cadbury Dairy Milk Crackle (36 gm) 4. Cadbury Nutties Chocolate (30g) 5. Dipsters Spicy Mayo Dip with Jalapeno Ragi Chips (50g) 6. Dipsters Chocolatey Dip with Waffle Chips (50g) 7. Dipsters Creamy Cheese Dips with Masala Ragi Chips (50g) 8. Mattel Uno Playing Card Game 9. Jenga 10. Housie 11. 6 pcs Handmade Dark Chocolate 12. A Wooden Tray.
Price: Rs.2829 / $33.28
Earliest Delivery : 28-Mar Small Towns and Villages may take more time depending on location.
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