Enticing Nestle Kitkat Bouquet by Mumbai Online Florists
★ 100% Hygiene Maintained ★
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Convey your special wishes with this Enticing Bouquet of 32 pcs Nestle Kitkat (12.8 gms each) as you enhance happiness in the lives of other people.
Price: Rs.1229 / $14.46
Earliest Delivery : Tomorrow Small Towns and Villages may take more time depending on location.
Want early delivery: Click Here for same day hand delivered items
My toddler is very fond of chocolates. He observed the ordered chocolate very delicious.
Nidhi Jain,
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Friendly service
The chocolates truly defines the word pleasure.
jaspal singh sodhi
Monday, December 7, 2020
Lightning fast Delivery
The chocolate was equal as in the image they have proven and it was too beautiful. Free shipping choice made it lots extra remarkable deal.
Mr. Ms. Sarvjeet Kaur
Friday, November 13, 2020
Fresh elements
The chocolates were very toothsome.
Ms. Shweta Jaidwal
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Reasonable fee charged
Oh my goodness, the chocolates had been all best in each single way!!! I should now not be any happier. They had been attractive and delicious. So happy!