Delicious Chocolate Gift Basket by Mumbai Online Florists
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Guaranteed Same Day Delivery
Send this special gift of Delicious Chocolate Gift Basket to your relatives and friends and make them surprised. This gift basket contains: 1. 4pc Cadbury Dairy Milk (13.2 gm each) 2. 4pc Nestle Kit Kat (13 gm each) 3. 4pc 5-Star (22.4 gm each) 4. 2pc Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk (60 gm each) 5. 2pc Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruit N Nut (36 gm each) 6. A Reusable Cane Basket
Price: Rs.1469 / $17.28
Earliest Delivery : 26-Mar Remote location may take one day more