Chocolate Unbound Christmas Gift Tray from Mumbai Online Florists
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Offer the special people in your life this Chocolate Unbound Christmas Gift Tray and make their hearts leap in joy. This X-mas special Gift Hamper is packed with: 1. 2pc Cadbury Nutties (30 gm each) 2. 2pc Cadbury Bourneville (31 gm each) 3. Cadbury Crackle (36 gm) 4. 2pc Cadbury Dairy Milk (13.2 gm each) 5. 2pc Cadbury Perk (28 gm each) 6. Cadbury Mini Celebration (70.2 gm) 7. Christmas Tree N Lights 8. Christmas Decoration
Price: Rs.1479 / $17.40
Earliest Delivery : 26-Mar Remote location may take one day more